It seems hard to believe to buyers, many of whom assume it was put up to hide a giant crack, but wallpaper was very popular not that long ago. Wallpaper can often dress up a room in ways that paint just cannot. The problem with wallpaper though, is that it is often SO personal in taste. One person's 'period appropriate' or 'visually interesting' wallpaper is another person's, "Oh, THAT has got to go!"
If you're a buyer, you tend to tune out some great things about the home because you're focused on the paper. If you're a seller, you may be missing out on those buyers. If you didn't want to take it down when you were getting the house ready for the market, why would a buyer want to take it down. Even if you think you've accounted for the wallpaper in the price of the house, buyers will account for it again in their offer for the house.
When viewing homes for sale in Columbus and surrounding areas, I see considerably more wallpaper than most people would think is out there. The best wallpaper goes unnoticed but that scenario is rare indeed.
What do you do if your a seller and you don't want to take down the paper and paint a room?
- Downplay the wallpaper by painting any contrasting walls or woodwork a neutral (not a dark) color.
- Take down artwork that adds to the busy feeling and replace it with simple mirrors.
- Decrease the amount of color in the room by boxing up knickknacks and covering overly bright carpet with beige or other neutral color area rug.
- Replace high-wattage light bulbs with low-watt ones, and open the blinds or shutters to let in natural light.
- Draw visitors’ eyes away from the wallpaper with bouquets of simple flowers.
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