Monday, December 19, 2005

Downtown and Midtown Columbus Condos

As I begin to focus more and more on the midtown condo market, I have to wonder what we will all find went wrong twenty years from now in some of the units. Not the new build units, but all the reclaimed condo spaces around downtown.
Many of these buildings were erected as offices, warehouses and commercial buildings not intended to house people. Will the normal wear and tear of living have any effect on these wondrous transformations? They weren't supposed to be airtight, they weren't supposed to have so much plumbing running through them, so much humidity. I think it will be interesting to see if, somewhere way down the line, anything happens to any of these retro-fitted buildings that no one has currently thought of or considered.
In the meantime, I can't get enough of them and I truly enjoy helping people find the right living space for them, be it an historic home in one of Columbus' urban neighborhoods or a downtown condominium.


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