Home Inspection - Electrical Box
When I was at a buyer's home inspection the other day, the Inspector pointed out that the circuit breaker attached to the air conditioning compressor was a 40 amp circuit. He said that while he was outside looking at the compressor he noticed it said the breaker shouldn't be more than 30 amps. While it may seem intuitive to think that a bigger breaker would be OK as it'd more than handle the AC compressor, he made the point that should something go wrong with a newer unit, the warranty may be voided because it was not properly wired. A good point to be sure.
Usually what you find are circuits that are too small or are double tapped which is not good. Double tapped means two wires are attached to one breaker and it should always be one wire to one breaker all the way down the box. You could take out a single breaker and replace it with a double breaker that fits the same space as a regular one but has two trip switches.
Remember, I am not an electrician so nothing here is gospel, ask a certified electrician about your box.
Looking to buy or sell a home in Columbus Ohio? Give me a call and we'll be sure to check the breaker box before you buy.
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