Friday, September 09, 2005

Knob and Tube Wiring & Home Insurance

You see it everywhere in the older parts of Columbus. I'm not just talking about Olde Towne East or German Village, but Bexley, Grandview, Old Arlington and Clintonville areas too. Not so much in the suburbs like Westerville or Gahanna since the homes are newer.
It seems that knob and tube wiring is becoming an insurance problem for many carriers. Some say a home with knob and tub wiring is not insurable under today's standards. Until recently, it hasn't seemed to be much of problem but more and more times, buyers are running into trouble. I'm not saying you can't get a home owner's policy at all, but you may have to pay a higher premium simply because of the existence of the knob and tube wiring.
What's wrong with knob and tube? Well, providing the wires are secure, properly sheethed with no dry rot or major cracks, not much, it'll run whatever it's been running for the last God knows how many years just like it has been. The distinct possibility exists, however, that it will rot, crack spark and start fires - maybe -- down the line.
What does this mean to you?
If you're selling a home in Central Ohio and it has knob and tube, why take a chance on it being a turn off or deal breaker, get rid of it. Especially get rid of it if, as is often the case, it's merely in place but not working and hasn't been working in some time. It looks bad and buyers wonder if any of it is live.
If you're buying a home in Columbus or Central Ohio, be aware of this potential insurance problem but don't panic. Plan to take update the wiring in the first year or so and then go back to your insurance company and ask for a reduction.
If you're rehabbing an older home, DO NOT go to the trouble of putting in a new box, new breakers, new wires coming out of the box only to hook those new wires up to the old knob and tube. Believe me, I see it all the time and while the shiny new box may fool a first time home buyer, it won't fool an experience Realtor. If you're doing a rehab, do it right.
More and more, the days of the drive by OK from the insurance company are slipping away. Today's home policies hinge on an inside inspection and pictures of the electric box.
I'd love to see a comment posted regarding what new home owners can expect as a ballpark figure for home insurance and some additional input on the knob and tube debate.


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