Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Post Election

Congratulations to Columbus, Ohio for voting to pass a schools levy.
The money will bring a much needed boost to the Columbus Public Schools and help in the restoration of housing stock in the city. Many people flee the city for better school districts but as young and old people begin to return to environs around our downtown, we need reasons to keep them here.
The Zoo received a nice boost and every single city improvement bond issue passed easily.
Shame on you Ohio for voting to amend the state constitution to define marraige. It's my feeling that many Ohians did not read the fine print or the second sentence. Central Ohio's economy will suffer as a result of this blunder. It was not a liberal issue, in fact both Senator DeWine and Senator Voinavich came out against issue 1 - not to mention The Ohio State University, Battelle, Nationwide Insurance and other area employers.
Franklin county government enjoys a slightly liberal edge as 2 of the 3 county commissioners are now democrats.
As for the Big race, well.....
I was very surprised at the outcome after I waited 3 hours to vote and saw the resolve on the faces of the hundreds of others who solemnly waited with me in a heavily urban voting precinct.


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