Thursday, May 18, 2006

It's planting time: Columbus Ohio Gardening 101

It's time in Columbus to put the vegetable and other gardens in. The potential for overnight frost is all but gone.
I am a big fan of a backyard garden, though I admit it's harder and harder to find the time to devote to such indulgences.
If you're not sure what to do or how to go about it, the HGTV link below takes you to a good basic Q&A page with lots of great advice and hints for the beginning or experienced gardener.

A perennial flower/tree/shrub garden with lush landscaping is a big attraction to home buyers who won't have to do much but wait for mother nature to do her thing. If you don't have one but are considering selling your house in a couple-few years, then it might not be a bad idea to start one this year.
Make sure you have color from early spring to at least late fall. Also make sure it isn't too intimidating to potential home buyers to keep the garden going.

While I'm at it, I'll come out of the closet on HGTV. I'm a sucker for a couple of their shows, especially House Hunters. Sad but true. I do it all day long and then I come home and watch other people do it on TV. What can I say, I'm a real estate junkie. Of course, that's not a bad thing for my clients.

Basics - Gardening for Beginners, Tips, Videos & more : Home & Garden Television


Anonymous Property in jaipur said...

nice post its interesting

4:18 AM  

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