Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Stainless and Granite, blah blah blah

Is is just me or does everyone and their mother have stainless steel appliances and granite countertops these days. It's become so in tune with "the hot new look" that I think it's neither hot nor new.
Yes, I still love the look and Yes I do consider it somewhat timeless but perhaps there'll be a day when today's stainless steel becomes yesterday's avocado green.

What ever happened to quartz becoming the new granite? Isn't it non-porous, essentially maintenence-free and has great depth and clarity? Just once I'd like to see a Columbus home advertised with quartz, even cement or soapstone countertops and stainless.

Yes, I have granite in my kitchen and it needs some maintenance and could be stained by wine, acids or oils. As much as I love my granite, I'm just looking for the next thing in Columbus Ohio real estate ads. I do like seeing non-black granites used in kitchens since black is far and away the color granite of choice. It seems to class up a kitchen a little if it's a lighter color.


Anonymous Property in jaipur said...

Beautiful pics and nice post

4:16 AM  

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